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City of Rock Island continues downtown construction

City officials said the goal of the project is to attract more businesses and bring more people to the area.

ROCK ISLAND, Ill. — The $8.7 million project called Rebuild Downtown Rock Island is continuing construction this summer. The city is hutting multiple streets and adding new infrastructures. 

This goal of the project is to attract more businesses and bring more people to the area. Right now, they're adding new water mains and sewer lines on 18th Street.

However, Executive Director of Downtown Rock Island Alliance Jack Cullen said the project hasn't been a smooth ride for some.

"There is some short-term pain for sure," Cullen said, "for the businesses that are affected by the construction and some of the road closures, and we are really urging our community to rally around the businesses that affected by the construction." 

One of these businesses in the heart of the renovations is Kru Salon, owned by Tiffany Gomez. She said it's been a rocky road when it comes to parking, but business has pretty much stayed the same. She also said the proposed new look could help change that.

"It will bring in more people because it's gonna be a different environment," Gomez said. "Everything is gonna look totally different. Hopefully we can get other businesses down here to get these business owners to be able to rent to some of these people that are actually looking to staying down here long-term."

Downtown Rock Island still has sidewalks available for people visit stores and restaurants. 

"If someone is perhaps concerned about coming downtown I would encourage them to come downtown, find a parking spot, and follow the signs to your destination, Cullen said."

City officials said roadwork is expected to be done by the end of 2024. The rest of the project is expected to be completed next summer. 

Other additions include decorative lighting and landscaping, new outdoor patios, and a roundabout as the center of downtown. 

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