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Road to redemption: Why team captain means so much to one Davenport Central football player

From almost seeing his football career end, to a title Davion Williams has always dreamed of.

DAVENPORT, Iowa — A senior season for Davenport Central's Davion Williams almost didn't happen, after failing classes and getting kicked out of games for unsportsmanlike conduct. 

"There are some kids that no matter how much you try to help, they're just they're not going to change," said Head Coach Alex Berg. "I get emails or hear about administration problems with him. I go to basketball games and see problems there." 

"Most of the poor choices I made were just based on me not thinking at the moment. I was just being selfish, and that doesn't go with our motto, 'we before me,'" Williams said.

Davion's future as a Blue Devil was in jeopardy, and Coach Berg had a tough decision to make. 

"Enough was enough and we had a coaches meeting. He was on the chopping block," Berg said.

"He called me and he was like 'Davion, you need to get together. They're looking at not letting you play your season, your senior season.' I took that and I cried that night. I didn't feel wanted. I gave them every reason for them to not want me on their team," Williams said. 

Davion knew if he wanted to stay on the team, something had to give.

"I had to step up, and I had to do what I needed to do to continue playing for this team. Because I love them so much," said Williams. 

The off-season and summer workout brought a clean slate. He made better grades, volunteered in the community, and overall was a better teammate. 

"I made sure I showed up to everything on time. I was being more of a leader. I'm getting all the young guys involved. I was picking up kids that couldn't that couldn't make it to our morning lifts," Williams said.

"At first it was like a week, and we're like, 'okay, we'll see.' It never stopped, Berg said. 

"The first time I heard Berg say, 'I'm proud of you,' I was like, I'm doing this. I'm doing this right. I really feel the love that this team is like showing," Williams said. 

Davion didn't just want to play his senior season. He had a bigger goal for himself — becoming a captain. 

"What if I don't get it? I'm gonna look crazy, but I stepped out and did it. I applied," Williams said. 

To become a captain for the Blue Devils, you have to fill out an application and give a speech in front of the coaching staff. 

"His speech blew us away. I think it was probably one of the better-written ones, and it was straight from the heart," Berg said. 

The captains were chosen by a vote, from teammates and coaches. A week before the first game of the season, Head Coach Berg announced this year's captains. 

"Then he said my last name, I was like, 'oh, yeah, I got it.' I did what it takes and I felt like I won that day," Williams said.

"This is one of those stories that you're glad it does turn, because that doesn't always happen. Even if you get one of these every few years, it's worth it, and that's why we do what we do as far as coaching high school," Berg said.

It's a title and a leadership role Williams had dreamed about since he was a freshman. 

"I've been dreaming about just walking out at the 50, shaking other captains' hands and just being there as a leader on this team. Just to live out my dream, it feels unreal, honestly. I'm so glad I'm able to do that," said Williams.

More than being named a captain or turning around his grades, Williams hopes it shows others that you too can change. 

"I'm trying to get my other teammates to be on time with me. It feels right. It feels like I'm turning into that young man that my parents and the rest of this foundation wanted," Williams said. 

"Davion, you're on the path of where you're going to be a story to be told to all these players for years to come," Berg said. 

"If I didn't have football, I honestly I don't know where where I'd be," Williams said. 

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