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Aledo residents report of ongoing bat infestation at apartment building

A pregnant resident at an Aledo apartment building was bitten by a bat early Tuesday morning and was rushed to a Mercer County hospital for rabies treatment.

ALEDO, Ill. — Residents of an apartment building in Aledo have reported a significant bat problem in their building.

Jordan Peterson, an Aledo resident, shared her recent experience with News 8's Harrison Belsanti. 

"I tried to get it out, and it bit me," she said, describing an incident that occurred just a few nights ago on Tuesday. Peterson also mentioned that after receiving a net from another resident, she managed to catch a bat but struggled to release it outside without harming it. "It got stuck in the net, and I couldn't just let it die, because it's illegal to kill them," she explained.

The apartment complex, located in a former hospital, has left residents frustrated as they continue to deal with the presence of bats in their living spaces. Simon Peterson, Jordan's husband, emphasized the steps they've taken to address the issue. 

"We've tried blocking off vents, closing holes, but they just keep coming in. We’ve even tried sealing up every potential entry point we could find, but nothing seems to stop them. At this point, it’s a serious concern for my daughters' safety, my pregnant wife’s safety, and everyone else living here."

Simon also expressed frustration with the lack of response from the management. 

"We've reached out multiple times — at least seven times between my wife and I — trying to inform the management that this isn't safe for us or anyone else," he said.

Following the bite, Jordan was treated for rabies as a precaution, especially given her pregnancy. "I'm pregnant right now, so that's my biggest concern. We went for the rabies vaccinations immediately because I was terrified," she said.

The rabies treatment could cost the Peterson family thousands of dollars, a financial burden that Jordan says they will bear themselves while they seek alternative housing.

Attempts to reach the property owners for comment, A2Z Real Estate Management out of Davenport, were unsuccessful, as they declined to speak with us. However, shortly after our inquiries, the Petersons informed us that an inspection of their apartment unit had been scheduled for the following afternoon.

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