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New movie theater close to breaking ground in Muscatine

The sold sign standing in a cornfield only hints at it’s future, of a project many people in town haven’t heard about.

The sold sign standing in a cornfield only hints at it's future, of a project many people in town haven't heard about.

But the Chamber of Commerce in Muscatine hopes word gets way out, from Iowa City to Burlington, that the show is about to begin.

"It really is a huge quality of life thing," said Bill Phelan, talking about the new Palms Theater set to be built at Highway 61 and Mulberry.

"It will really be like going to Hollywood, with the palm trees and those kinds of things," he said.

It doesn't just replace the old Plaza theater in the Muscatine Mall; it takes it to the next level. It will be a 10 screen multi-plex with restaurant style service at your seat.

"The largest one is going to have a screen larger than your average IMAX," Phelan explained.

Fridley Theaters is making the nine million dollar investment, with the hope of more development.

"It's going to attract restaurants, and retail and other shops around it like a magnet," he said.

The company hopes to break ground in April and be open for business by Christmas.

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