Money for a direct flight from the Quad Cities to Washington D.C. is not in Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner's proposed budget for fiscal year 2016, according to a spokeswoman for the Governor.
The money has been approved for the current fiscal year 2015 budget, but Governor Rauner now has a spending freeze in place on all 'non essential spending.' On Tuesday, March 17, 2015 spokeswoman Cate Kelly said the direct flight money to Washington D.C. was currently 'under review' due to the freeze. On Tuesday, March 24, 2015 lawmakers told News 8 why they say, the flight is needed for the Quad City area. They plan on opposing the denial of funds.
"It's needed for the Rock Island Arsenal to be viable and to ensure that we save the 7,300 jobs at the Arsenal from a closure committee that might be happen there over the next few years," Democratic State Rep. Mike Smiddy said.
Kelly says the Illinois legislature is supposed to complete a budget for fiscal year 2016 by the end of the legislative session. The last day of the session is May 31, 2015. Fiscal year 2016 starts on July 1, 2015.