The Clinton Fire Department could potentially save businesses and taxpayers money.
Chief Michael Brown of the Clinton Fire Department said the Clinton Fire Department was recently classified by the ISO (Insurance Services Office) as a class two fire station.
Each year, ISO collects information from fire departments around the country; they rate the departments on a 1 to 10 scale.
According to, a class one department represents superior property fire protection; a ten indicates that the area's fire-suppression program doesn't meet ISO's minimum criteria.
"ISO is used by insurance companies to determine how to assess rates for your community, " Brown said. "They look at a number of things like: the community's fire department, the water system and the way dispatch is handled in your community."
The Clinton Fire Department's superior ranking will directly benefit businesses and taxpayers in the area, according to Mike Kirchhoff, President and CEO of the Clinton Regional Development Corporation.
"Businesses and residents won't have to pay as much for their fire insurance," Kirchhoff said.
Kirchhoff added that Clinton's new classification could serve as an incentive to draw new businesses to the area. He said it makes Iowa that much more attractive for job growth.
The last time the Clinton Fire Department was assessed by the agency was in 2006, in which they were classified as a three, according to Brown.