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Applying for Illinois concealed carry applications could be tough

Gun owners on the Illinois side of the river will soon be able to carry their concealed weapons and applications online will be available this weekend. However,...

Gun owners on the Illinois side of the river will soon be able to carry their concealed weapons and applications online will be available this weekend. However, some say the process to get that license won't be easy.

Firearm instructors at Executive Security Group Inc in Davenport are getting ready for another busy year. However, this year Illinois residents will have a shot at concealed carry and on Sunday, January 5, 2013 they will be able to start applying.

Monday, December 30, 2013, the Illinois State Police gave a preview of the online site and the steps residents will have to take to apply.

"They're going to have to copy their certificates. They're going to have to get their ID, like I said copy everything," said Farkas.

Once that's done they have to create a digital ID, which is basically like a username and after several steps later, you can finally start the application process.

"I think people are gonna have a hard time understanding how to answer things right, how to do things right," said Ron Farkas, owner of Executive Security Group Inc.

Illinois taking a different direction from other states like Iowa and Wisconsin who have stuck to the more traditional route like pen and paper.

"For those computer savy people it's going to be pretty easy, for people from the middle range to not having computers it's gonna be almost impossible," said Farkas.

That's why security is offering help for their students. Their instructors will sit down and go over the application with them.

"We're going to take them from the beginning all the way through," said Farkas.

Even though people will be able to apply for those license beginning on Sunday, they won't go into effect until July first.

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