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Why you can get a ticket in a work zone, even if no workers are there

About 42 million Americans are expected to hit the road this Thanksgiving and police are reminding motorists about current rules in a construction zone.

About 42 million Americans are expected to hit the road this Thanksgiving and police are reminding motorists about  current rules in a construction zone.

Posted speed limits in work zones in Illinois have to be followed whether construction workers are present or not.

A 20 mile long stretch of Interstate 88 is down to 45 miles per hour instead of 70 mph near Dixon. Police say even though work may be halted on holidays, weekends, and nights, drivers are still supposed to take it slow and do 45.

"A lot of times we get confused, since there's no workers present, why can't we just go the normal speed? It's really not for the workers safety, it's for the motorists. Most of the fatal crashes we deal with happen at night and on the weekends when workers are not present," said Illinois State Trooper Justin Wilson.

Work zone fines in Illinois start at $375, and $150 in Iowa. Some drivers have been confused because in prior years signs included the provision for the lower speed limits "when workers are present."

"They have taken that verbiage out," said Trooper Wilson.


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