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Hot Glass collaborating with QC Botanical Center for natural beauty art exhibit

Nonprofit organization Hot Glass has brought over 350 glass pieces to create displays in five gardens and two ponds at the QC Botanical Center.

ROCK ISLAND, Ill. — A new exhibit is coming to the QC Botanical Center Gardens this week, as Hot Glass prepares its display of handmade glasswork.

"Working with glass, you get a lot of natural shapes and so many great colors go into the display," Hot Glass Founder Joel Ryser said. "In one of the pieces above a pond, we have over 100 pieces to make the entire display."

The exhibit is called "Garden Glass" and is comprised of over 350 pieces of glass to create a composite display of five garden beds and two ponds. Ryser, along with his son and an additional helper, spent about three months designing and creating the displays that will be showcased at the Botanical Center.

"It's just fun to see it installed and see all the colors in juxtaposition with the plants," Ryser said. "It's just something special about glass and plants and water. It just goes all together."

According to Visit Quad Cities, this exhibit will be on display for three years.

A private ribbon cutting is scheduled for Aug. 9, and the exhibit officially opens to the public Aug. 10. Admission is $9 for adults and $6 for kids between two and 15 years old.

The QC Botanical Center is open Monday-Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. On Sundays it doesn't open until 11 a.m.

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