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Illinois Caverns reopen June 16 after 10 years of closure

The southern Illinois nature staple will be re-opening after a decade of closure after the safety concerns that closed have been alleviated over time.
Credit: WQAD

The Illinois Department of Natural Resources announced that the Illinois Caverns State Natural Area will be reopening after 10 years of closure.

DNR officials said in a news release on Tuesday, June 8 that the caverns would be open to the public again on Wednesday, June 16, and they anticipate interest in the area now that COVID-19 vaccinations allow Illinoisans to travel and explore again.

The caverns were closed in 2010 due to concerns about the spread of a disease called White-nose Syndrome, which, although not dangerous to humans and most animals, could be fatal to the bats that live and hibernate in the caves.

Experts believed that the fungus that causes the disease could be transmitted from cave to cave through the clothes and gear of people exploring the caves.

“Compared to many other caves and mines in Illinois testing positive for WNS, the prevalence of this disease in bats hibernating within Illinois Caverns has been relatively low,” said Joe Kath, Endangered Species Program manager, IDNR.  “A small number of animals exhibiting the white fungal growth on their muzzles was first documented at Illinois Caverns in 2013. Since then, instances of WNS at Illinois Caverns continue to be very localized. Further, the bat population was never significant in this cave and seems to be the same despite WNS being witnessed in a small number of animals.”

While the area was closed, staff were able to repair important bridges and keep the site's buildings maintained.

“As the life-saving power of vaccination allows more and more Illinoisans to get back out there and explore this summer, I’m delighted to announce that travelers will be able to add the Illinois Caverns to their road trip itineraries for the first time in over a decade,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “Starting June 16, visitors can explore these natural wonders feeling secure in IDNR’s ongoing management of the native ecosystem, which allows Illinoisans to explore nature while also letting nature thrive. The Illinois Caverns are the perfect addition to any Metro East or Southern Illinois road trip – and visitors from across the Midwest can visit enjoyillinois.com to plan their safe summer adventures.”

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