ROCK ISLAND, Ill. — In an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19 UnityPoint Health has launched a text service so patients can wait in their own cars until it is time to be seen.
Think of it as a Virtual waiting room The system is called "WELL Rapid Release" and was developed in response to the COVID-10 pandemic. It's aim is to reduce person-to-person exposure.
The patient notifies the facility that they've arrived by responding to an auto-reminder text from UnityPoint. After that, the patient gets instructions on when and how to enter the building.
According to guidelines from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, your best defense against COVID-19 is to: wash your hands and avoid close contact with people. You can help prevent the spread of COVID-10 by: staying home if you are sick, covering your coughs and sneezes, clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and wear a facemask if you are sick.