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Finn's Grill offers "Pay Your Age" ice cream cones to help with nationwide coin shortage

Owner Joe Ende said after leaving the bank empty handed, he decided to hold a "Pay Your Age" ice cream promotion to replenish his business' supply of coins.

MILAN, Illinois — Owner Joe Ende said after leaving the bank empty handed, he decided to hold a "Pay Your Age" ice cream promotion to replenish his business' supply of coins.

"We went [to the bank] the other day to redeem our bills in cash for large quantities of change and we just couldn’t get it," said Ende.

Ende said his employees needed to visit multiple local banks in order to receive enough coins to efficiently operate his business.

"We had kind of heard [a coin shortage] was happening," admitted Ende. "It just hadn’t affected us yet."

On Sunday July 19th, Finn's Grill held a "pay your age" ice cream event.

"If you’re five years old you pay five cents and if you're 50 years old you pay 50 cents," Ende explained. "And if you want to fib a penny or two about your age we’re okay with that."

Dozens showed up to participate in the event bringing jars filled with change.

"It's a fun opportunity for people to dig it up and bring it in here and kind of get it back in the public," said Ende.

"Everybody is saving them in their piggy banks maybe," said first-time customer Bev Thor.

Ende said he has seen an increase in his customers using cash over card at the registers.

"So we’re needing more change to accommodate for that," said Ende.

The "pay your age" event was a one time event for National Ice Cream Day on Sunday July 19.

RaeAnne Daily, with Be All You Can Be Wedding DJ and Karaoke, provided free music and karaoke to children and families at Sunday's event.

"I've been here since about 11:30am and the cars just keep coming in," said Daily. "I see people coming in with buckets of change and quarters in hand. It's pretty exciting."

Ende said he owes the event's success to his strong following on social media and regular customers.

"He's a great guy. He's got a lot of ideas. He never stops with ideas," said Daily.

"I just keep asking for help and they keep giving it... as long as I kind of give them a little bit back in return," Ende joked. 

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