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NAILED IT OR FAILED IT: Two Ways to Take Your Easter Eggs to the Next Level

Easter is right around the corner, which means a lot of people are going to be buying real – and plastic – eggs. Here are two ways to impress your k...

Easter is right around the corner, which means a lot of people are going to be buying real - and plastic - eggs. Here are two ways to impress your kids with crafts even the Easter Bunny couldn't pull off! We think. My request to interview him continues to get denied.

On Friday, April 12th during NAILED IT OR FAILED IT, we showed you how to decorate your eggs with my two favorite words - less mess! Thank you to Rosemary from Burlington for sending me this great idea. All you need are hard-boiled eggs, plastic sandwich bags, rice, and food coloring. Put some rice and food coloring into the bag, mix it up, then add your egg, and SHAKE - SHAKE - SHAKE! It's that easy! Click the video above to see how our eggs turned out.

We also showed you a new way to fill your plastic eggs. This craft/recipe is a little more complicated. Basically, you make a normal batch of Rice Krispie Treats - but instead of pressing them into a pan, you press them into a large plastic egg - and add a little surprise while you're at it! Click the video below to see how it all came together - and if it actually worked:

Ketz's Concoction for Friday was a mojito.

According to Bacardi USA, here's what you need to make it.

2 parts Bacardi Rum

1/2 part freshly squeeze lime

2 tbs fine white sugar

1 part soda water/club soda

Crushed Ice


  1. Put the lime juice, sugar, and Bacardi in, stir well,

2. Add the ice in, then the club soda, and enjoy.

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