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Young Republicans keep close eye on GOP debate

Young voters are keeping a close eye on the 2016 presidential race.

Young voters are keeping a close eye on the 2016 presidential race.

On Wednesday, September 16, 2015, nearly 20 students gathered at Augustana College to watch the second GOP debate.

As expected, much of the focus was on Donald Trump.

"He's just not afraid to say what's on his mind, and that's kind of how I like to live, so I like that about him. He's bold, and a little bit cocky, but that's not a bad thing," said sophomore Joe Cross.

Students, though, say they're paying attention for a very important reason.

"We all do watch the debates for a little bit of entertainment, but we are trying to vet candidates right now," said Joe Carroll, vice president of the Augustana College Republicans.

Most students said they still haven't decided on a candidate to support. However, they do know the economy will be an important issue for young people in 2016.

"Personally, I would say a lot of the financial opportunity, for me going into a business major, is hugely affected by the fiscal policy," said freshman Kalvin Kozar.

"There's so many people coming out of college and not finding jobs, and I think that's the biggest thing we're looking for -- a candidate who is going to jump start the economy," said Carroll.

Analysts expect Wednesday's debate to be the highest-rated program in the history of CNN.

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