MOLINE-- Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner is thankful he can make a victory speech right now, after challenger Representative Jeanne Ives questioned the incumbent governor’s conservative values.
“Very important victory last night in the primary it was a hard fought primary battle,” says Rauner.
Rauner stopped by the River House Bar and Grill, Wednesday, March 21, to thank the people who voted for them and attempt to mend the fences with republican voters who did not.
“Primaries are divisive. They are difficult, there are many emotional, divisive issues. Let’s focus on what we can agree on. What we can agree on is lower taxes, more jobs and term limits to end corruption,” says Rauner.
Some of those republicans he still needs to win over were eating just a few feet away.
Andrea Anderson is still upset about Rauner approving legislation that now provides state health insurance and Medicaid coverage for abortions.
“It was very, very emotional for me…(and) a lot of people came to me and were really concerned about it,” says Anderson.
So the Governor is focusing on issues they agree on like rebuilding Illinois through tax reform, term limits and becoming more business friendly.
Both gubernatorial candidates have already spent $115 million, they are projected to spend around $300 million in while on the campaign trail by the general election.