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Toilet paper boosts local economy one roll at a time

Here’s how one item, that everyone needs, could mean big money for the local economy.

In an effort to boost the local economy, Eldridge, Iowa community leaders have launched a new campaign called Shop, Stay and Wipe Local.

The word "wipe," in the slogan, refers to the one product that community leaders are encouraging everyone to buy locally: toilet paper.

"We want [people] to be aware that they don't have to continue to go anywhere else when they have everything right here," said Marilee Schafer, owner of 2 Sisters Resale N' Gifts.

Schafer is on the Shop Local Committee for the Eldridge-North Scott Chamber of Commerce, and said that toilet paper could bring in big money for the North Scott area.

"Everyone uses toilet paper and, generally, the average person uses 105 rolls of toilet paper a year," said Schafer. "It would bring in $677,000 back to the community just by buying their toilet paper here in town."

Wipe Local is part of a year-long campaign to encourage people to shop locally. The focus will change every two months to shine light on other local businesses.

The next focus in the campaign will be Eat Local in September, followed by Gift Local in December.

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